
The Mellon module facilitates the serialization and deserialization of predictors, streamlining model transfer and reuse. This is especially relevant in computational biology for applying pre-trained models to new datasets. Serialization captures essential metadata like date, Python version, estimator class, and Mellon version, ensuring research reproducibility and context for the original training.

After fitting data, all Mellon models generate a predictor via their .predict property, including model classes like mellon.model.DensityEstimator, mellon.model.TimeSensitiveDensityEstimator, mellon.model.FunctionEstimator, and mellon.model.DimensionalityEstimator.

Predictor Class

All predictors inherit their serialization methods from mellon.Predictor.

Serialization to AnnData

Predictors can be serialized to an AnnData object. The log_density computation for the AnnData object shown below is a simplified example. For a more comprehensive guide on how to properly preprocess data to compute the log density, refer to our basic tutorial notebook.

import mellon
import anndata

X = # your data here
ad = anndata.AnnData(X=X)
est = mellon.DensityEstimator()
ad.obs["log_density"] = est.predict(X)

# Serialization
ad.uns["log_density_function"] = est.predict.to_dict()

# Save the AnnData object

Deserialization from AnnData

The function mellon.Predictor.from_dict() can deserialize the mellon.Predictor and any sub class.

# Load the AnnData object
ad ='adata.h5ad')

# Deserialization
predictor = mellon.Predictor.from_dict(ad.uns["log_density_function"])

# Use predictor on new data
ad.obs["log_density"] = predictor(X)

Serialization to File

Mellon supports serialization to a human-readable JSON file and compressed file formats such as .gz (gzip) and .bz2 (bzip2).

The function mellon.Predictor.from_json() can deserialize the mellon.Predictor and any sub class.

# Serialization to JSON

# Serialization with gzip compression
est.predict.to_json("test_predictor.json.gz", compress="gzip")

# Serialization with bzip2 compression
est.predict.to_json("test_predictor.json.bz2", compress="bz2")

Deserialization from File

Mellon supports deserialization from JSON and compressed file formats. The compression method can be inferred from the file extension.

# Deserialization from JSON
predictor = mellon.Predictor.from_json("test_predictor.json")

# Deserialization from compressed JSON
predictor = mellon.Predictor.from_json("test_predictor.json.gz")