Density Estimator for scRNA-seq Data

This notebook provides a guide to applying the Mellon density estimator on single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. The objective of this tutorial is to illustrate the steps needed to execute a density estimation using the Mellon package. By the end of this notebook, you should have a solid understanding of how to use Mellon in your data analysis.

Before we start, ensure the following prerequisite packages, which are essential for utilizing Mellon with scRNA-seq data, are installed:

  1. scanpy:

  2. palantir: We recommend installation using pip install git+

Let’s now load all the necessary libraries.

import numpy as np

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn.cluster import k_means
import palantir
import mellon
import scanpy as sc

import warnings
from numba.core.errors import NumbaDeprecationWarning

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaDeprecationWarning)

We are also setting some plot preferences and suppressing the NumbaDeprecationWarning for a cleaner output.

%matplotlib inline

matplotlib.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [4, 4]
matplotlib.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 125
matplotlib.rcParams["image.cmap"] = "Spectral_r"
# no bounding boxes or axis:
matplotlib.rcParams["axes.spines.bottom"] = "on"
matplotlib.rcParams[""] = "off"
matplotlib.rcParams["axes.spines.left"] = "on"
matplotlib.rcParams["axes.spines.right"] = "off"

Step 1: Reading and Displaying the Dataset

We will start by loading the scRNA-seq dataset. For this demonstration, we will use the preprocessed T-cell depleted bone marrow data as described in the Mellon manuscript.

ad_url = ""
ad ="data/preprocessed_t-cell-depleted-bm-rna.h5ad", backup_url=ad_url)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 8627 × 17226
    obs: 'sample', 'n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'total_counts_mt', 'pct_counts_mt', 'batch', 'DoubletScores', 'n_counts', 'leiden', 'phenograph', 'log_n_counts', 'celltype', 'palantir_pseudotime', 'selection', 'NaiveB_lineage', 'mellon_log_density', 'mellon_log_density_clipped'
    var: 'n_cells', 'highly_variable', 'means', 'dispersions', 'dispersions_norm', 'PeakCounts'
    uns: 'DMEigenValues', 'DM_EigenValues', 'NaiveB_lineage_colors', 'celltype_colors', 'custom_branch_mask_columns', 'hvg', 'leiden', 'mellon_log_density_predictor', 'neighbors', 'pca', 'sample_colors', 'umap'
    obsm: 'DM_EigenVectors', 'X_FDL', 'X_pca', 'X_umap', 'branch_masks', 'chromVAR_deviations', 'palantir_branch_probs', 'palantir_fate_probabilities', 'palantir_lineage_cells'
    varm: 'PCs', 'geneXTF'
    layers: 'Bcells_lineage_specific', 'Bcells_primed', 'MAGIC_imputed_data'
    obsp: 'DM_Kernel', 'DM_Similarity', 'connectivities', 'distances', 'knn'

Note: The annData object ad we loaded already has been processed from raw gene counts according to the following notebook, and comes with cell-type annotations, PCA, and a UMAP representation. The anndata object also contains primed and lineage specific accessibility scores.

[4]:, basis="umap", color="celltype")

Step 2: Preprocessing

We will use diffusion maps for cell-state representation as input to Mellon. Diffusion map captures the intrinsic geometry of the data by creating a reduced dimensional representation that maintains the relationships between cells. Diffusion maps can be computed using the palantir.utils.run_diffusion_maps function. This function uses the pre-computed pca by default but can be changed to utilize any obsm entry in the anndata object.

dm_res = palantir.utils.run_diffusion_maps(ad, pca_key="X_pca", n_components=20)
Determing nearest neighbor graph...
CPU times: user 1min 35s, sys: 4.27 s, total: 1min 39s
Wall time: 1min 30s

Step 3: Density Calculation

In this step, we will compute cell-state density using Mellon’s DensityEstimator class. Diffusion components computed above serve as inputs.

The compute densities, log_density can be visualized using UMAPs. We recommend the visualization of clipped log density. This procedure, which trims the very low density of outlier cells to the lower 5% percentile, provides richer visualization in 2D embeddings such as UMAPs.

model = mellon.DensityEstimator()
log_density = model.fit_predict(ad.obsm["DM_EigenVectors"])

predictor = model.predict

ad.obs["mellon_log_density"] = log_density
ad.obs["mellon_log_density_clipped"] = np.clip(
    log_density, *np.quantile(log_density, [0.05, 1])
[2023-07-09 08:16:44,570] [INFO    ] Computing nearest neighbor distances.
[2023-07-09 08:16:45,799] [INFO    ] Using covariance function Matern52(ls=0.007897131365355458).
[2023-07-09 08:16:45,802] [INFO    ] Computing 5,000 landmarks with k-means clustering.
[2023-07-09 08:16:48,405] [INFO    ] Doing low-rank Cholesky decomposition for 8,627 samples and 5,000 landmarks.
[2023-07-09 08:16:53,261] [INFO    ] Using rank 5,000 covariance representation.
[2023-07-09 08:16:54,303] [INFO    ] Running inference using L-BFGS-B.
[2023-07-09 08:17:11,188] [INFO    ] Computing predictive function.
CPU times: user 49.5 s, sys: 48.5 s, total: 1min 37s
Wall time: 28.4 s
# The anndata object is updated with `obs['log_density`]` and `obs['log_density_clipped']
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 8627 × 17226
    obs: 'sample', 'n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'total_counts_mt', 'pct_counts_mt', 'batch', 'DoubletScores', 'n_counts', 'leiden', 'phenograph', 'log_n_counts', 'celltype', 'palantir_pseudotime', 'selection', 'NaiveB_lineage', 'mellon_log_density', 'mellon_log_density_clipped'
    var: 'n_cells', 'highly_variable', 'means', 'dispersions', 'dispersions_norm', 'PeakCounts'
    uns: 'DMEigenValues', 'DM_EigenValues', 'NaiveB_lineage_colors', 'celltype_colors', 'custom_branch_mask_columns', 'hvg', 'leiden', 'mellon_log_density_predictor', 'neighbors', 'pca', 'sample_colors', 'umap'
    obsm: 'DM_EigenVectors', 'X_FDL', 'X_pca', 'X_umap', 'branch_masks', 'chromVAR_deviations', 'palantir_branch_probs', 'palantir_fate_probabilities', 'palantir_lineage_cells'
    varm: 'PCs', 'geneXTF'
    layers: 'Bcells_lineage_specific', 'Bcells_primed', 'MAGIC_imputed_data'
    obsp: 'DM_Kernel', 'DM_Similarity', 'connectivities', 'distances', 'knn'
    ad, color=["mellon_log_density", "mellon_log_density_clipped"], basis="umap"

Step 4: Analysis

Next, we can use the calculated cell densities to analyze different cell types in the dataset.

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, width_ratios=[3, 2], figsize=[12, 4]), "mellon_log_density", "celltype", rotation=45, ax=ax1, show=False), color="celltype", basis="umap", ax=ax2, show=False)

Comparison of density along pseudotime

Density can compared against pseudotime or other axes to identify high- and low- density regions. The ad object contains palantir pseudotime in ad.obs['palantir_pseudotime] and the cells that belong to each lineage in ad.obsm['palantir_lineage_cells']. The identification of lineage cells is based on palantir probabilities and is detailed in the Palantir tutorial here.

ad.obs["palantir_pseudotime"], ad.obsm["palantir_lineage_cells"]
(IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#GTGAGCGAGTCTCACC-1    0.138621
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#GAGTCAAAGTCCTTCA-1    0.336803
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#TGTGCGCAGTCGCTAG-1    0.684445
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#ATATGTCCAATGCCTA-1    0.311772
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#CTTAGTTTCGCTAGTG-1    0.704443
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#ATCCGTGAGGGATTAG-1    0.309793
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#ATTTAGGTCAGGTTTA-1    0.306938
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#GATGGACAGATAAAGC-1    0.311873
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#GAAGGCTAGCTATATG-1    0.312016
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#AGACAATAGGCTCATG-1    0.311489
 Name: palantir_pseudotime, Length: 8627, dtype: float64,
                                                     NaiveB    Ery    pDC  \
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#GTGAGCGA...   False  False  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#GAGTCAAA...   False   True  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#TGTGCGCA...   False   True  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#ATATGTCC...   False  False  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#CTTAGTTT...   False   True  False
 ...                                                    ...    ...    ...
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#ATCCGTGA...   False  False  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#ATTTAGGT...   False  False  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#GATGGACA...   False  False  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#GAAGGCTA...   False  False  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#AGACAATA...   False  False  False

 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#GTGAGCGA...   True
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#GAGTCAAA...  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#TGTGCGCA...  False
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#ATATGTCC...   True
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_1_multiome#CTTAGTTT...  False
 ...                                                   ...
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#ATCCGTGA...   True
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#ATTTAGGT...   True
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#GATGGACA...   True
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#GAAGGCTA...   True
 IM-1393_BoneMarrow_TcellDep_2_multiome#AGACAATA...   True

 [8627 rows x 4 columns])

We will explore the density along B-cell lineage

bcell_lineage_cells = ad.obs_names[ad.obsm["palantir_lineage_cells"]["NaiveB"]]

palantir.plot.highlight_cells_on_umap(ad, bcell_lineage_cells)
import pandas as pd

ct_colors = pd.Series(
    ad.uns["celltype_colors"], index=ad.obs["celltype"].values.categories

plt.figure(figsize=[8, 3])

palantir.plot.plot_branch provides this plotting functionality (and more!) following the plotting style of scanpy


This plot clearly illustrates the alternating high- and low- density regions that define B-cell differentiation. This variability can be examined to identify high- and low-density regions

The same function can be used to visualize gene expression

# Plot imputed expressino of EBF1 in the comparison between pseudotime and log density

Local variability or local change in expression

Local variability provides a measure of gene expression change for each cell-state. This is determined by comparison of a gene in a cell to its neighbor cell-states and can be computed using palantir.utils.run_local_variability

# Local variability of genes

# This will add `local_variability` as a layer to anndata
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 8627 × 17226
    obs: 'sample', 'n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'total_counts_mt', 'pct_counts_mt', 'batch', 'DoubletScores', 'n_counts', 'leiden', 'phenograph', 'log_n_counts', 'celltype', 'palantir_pseudotime', 'selection', 'NaiveB_lineage', 'mellon_log_density', 'mellon_log_density_clipped'
    var: 'n_cells', 'highly_variable', 'means', 'dispersions', 'dispersions_norm', 'PeakCounts'
    uns: 'DMEigenValues', 'DM_EigenValues', 'NaiveB_lineage_colors', 'celltype_colors', 'custom_branch_mask_columns', 'hvg', 'leiden', 'mellon_log_density_predictor', 'neighbors', 'pca', 'sample_colors', 'umap'
    obsm: 'DM_EigenVectors', 'X_FDL', 'X_pca', 'X_umap', 'branch_masks', 'chromVAR_deviations', 'palantir_branch_probs', 'palantir_fate_probabilities', 'palantir_lineage_cells'
    varm: 'PCs', 'geneXTF'
    layers: 'Bcells_lineage_specific', 'Bcells_primed', 'MAGIC_imputed_data', 'local_variability'
    obsp: 'DM_Kernel', 'DM_Similarity', 'connectivities', 'distances', 'knn'
# Local variability or local change can also be visualized using `plot_branch` function
# In the Mellon manuscript, we use the Blues colormap for plotting changes
# UMAPs can be plotted with subsets of cells to explore densiies
    color=["mellon_log_density_clipped", "celltype"],
/fh/fast/setty_m/user/dotto/mamba/envs/mellon_v2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scanpy/plotting/_tools/ UserWarning: No data for colormapping provided via 'c'. Parameters 'cmap' will be ignored
  cax = scatter(

Step 5: Saving and Loading the Predictor

The predictor can be serialized to a dictionary and saved directly within the Anndata object. We can then write the Anndata object to disk, reload it, reconstitute the predictor from the saved dictionary, and apply it to our data. The final check verifies that the deserialized density function is identical to the original.

# Convert to dictionary and save to Anndata, then write Anndata to disk
ad.uns["log_density_function"] = predictor.to_dict()

The function mellon.Predictor.from_dict reinstates a previously saved predictor from an AnnData object. Here’s a brief demonstration:

# Reload Anndata and reconstitute predictor
ad ="data/adata.h5ad")
predictor = mellon.Predictor.from_dict(ad.uns["log_density_function"])

# Apply loaded predictor and verify it's identical to original
log_density = predictor(ad.obsm["DM_EigenVectors"])
assert np.all(
    np.isclose(log_density, ad.obs["mellon_log_density"])
), "Deserialized density function differs from original."

Alternatively, you can directly serialize the predictor to disk, bypassing the Anndata step.

# Serialize the predictor to a JSON file

# Load the predictor from the JSON file
loaded_predictor = mellon.Predictor.from_json("data/density_predictor.json")

# Apply the loaded predictor on any data
log_density = loaded_predictor(ad.obsm["DM_EigenVectors"])
[2023-07-09 08:18:08,056] [INFO    ] Written predictor to data/density_predictor.json.

Advanced Applications

Mellon offers access to all its intermediate results, giving you the flexibility to supply your own versions. For example, you can provide specific landmark cell states or parameters, opt out from relying on the built-in heuristics, or employ your preferred optimizer. Even custom Bayesian inference schemes can be used on the log-posterior probability for the final inference.

Tunable Parameters

Mellon’s architecture facilitates a customizable approach to cell density computation, providing numerous tunable parameters for model refinement. This adaptability allows you to tailor the model to the unique demands of your dataset. In the following section, we will explore some of these parameters in greater detail.

X = ad.obsm["DM_EigenVectors"]
nn_distances = mellon.parameters.compute_nn_distances(X)

The length_scale parameter determines the smoothness of the resulting density function. A lower value leads to a more detailed, but less stable, density function. By default, Mellon calculates the length scale based on a heuristic to maximize the posterior likelihood of the resulting density function.

length_scale = mellon.parameters.compute_ls(nn_distances)

Landmarks in the data are used to approximate the covariance structure and hence the similarity of density values between cells by using the similarity to the landmarks as proxy. K-means clustering centroids usually provide good landmarks. The number of landmarks limits the rank of the covariance matrix.

n_landmarks = 5000
landmarks = k_means(X, n_landmarks, n_init=1)[0]
CPU times: user 12.2 s, sys: 29.5 s, total: 41.7 s
Wall time: 2.55 s

You can further reduce the rank of the covariance matrix using an improved Nyström approximation. The rank parameter allows you to set either the fraction of total variance (sum of eigenvalues) preserved or a specific number of ranks.

rank = 0.999
cov_func = mellon.cov.Matern52(length_scale)
L = mellon.parameters.compute_L(X, cov_func, landmarks=landmarks, rank=rank)
[2023-07-09 08:18:13,452] [INFO    ] Doing low-rank improved Nyström decomposition for 8,627 samples and 5,000 landmarks.
[2023-07-09 08:18:31,454] [INFO    ] Recovering 99.900076% variance in eigendecomposition.
CPU times: user 3min 10s, sys: 1min 13s, total: 4min 23s
Wall time: 18.6 s

The d parameter denotes the dimensionality of the local variation in cell states and by default we assume that the data can vary along all its dimensions. However, if it is known that locally cells vary only along a subspace, e.g., tangential to the phenotypic manifold, then the dimensionality of this subspace should be used. d is used to correctly related the nearest-neighbor-distance distribution to the cell-state density.

d = X.shape[1]

Mellon can automatically suggest a mean value mu for the Gaussian process of log-density to ensure scale invariance. A low value ensures that the density drops of quickly away from the data.

mu = mellon.parameters.compute_mu(nn_distances, d)

An initial value, based on ridge regression, is used by default to speed up the optimization.

initial_parameters = mellon.parameters.compute_initial_value(nn_distances, d, mu, L)

model = mellon.DensityEstimator(

log_density = model.fit_predict(X)
[2023-07-09 08:18:32,358] [INFO    ] Computing 5,000 landmarks with k-means clustering.
[2023-07-09 08:18:34,853] [INFO    ] Running inference using L-BFGS-B.
CPU times: user 20.1 s, sys: 30.6 s, total: 50.7 s
Wall time: 10.4 s

Stages API

Instead of fitting the model with the fit function, you may split training into three stages: prepare_inference, run_inference, and process_inference.

model = mellon.DensityEstimator()
log_density_x = model.process_inference()
[2023-07-09 08:18:42,479] [INFO    ] Computing nearest neighbor distances.
[2023-07-09 08:18:43,056] [INFO    ] Using covariance function Matern52(ls=0.007897131365355458).
[2023-07-09 08:18:43,058] [INFO    ] Computing 5,000 landmarks with k-means clustering.
[2023-07-09 08:18:45,507] [INFO    ] Doing low-rank Cholesky decomposition for 8,627 samples and 5,000 landmarks.
[2023-07-09 08:18:49,572] [INFO    ] Using rank 5,000 covariance representation.
[2023-07-09 08:18:50,573] [INFO    ] Running inference using L-BFGS-B.
[2023-07-09 08:19:06,873] [INFO    ] Computing predictive function.

This offers the flexibility to make interim modifications. For instance, should you wish to utilize your own optimizer, you can replace run_inference with it, using the I/O from the three stages as follows:

def optimize(loss_func, initial_parameters):
    return optimal_parameters

model = mellon.DensityEstimator()
loss_func, initial_parameters = model.prepare_inference(X)
pre_transformation = optimize(loss_func, initial_parameters)
log_density_x = model.process_inference(pre_transformation=pre_transformation)

Note that loss_func represents the negative log posterior likelihood of the latent density function representation. Hence, it can be incorporated into custom Bayesian inference schemes aiming to infer a posterior distribution of density functions, including the uncertainty of their values.


After inference the density and its derivatives can be computed for arbitrary cell-states.

gradients = predictor.gradient(X)
hessians = predictor.hessian(X)
CPU times: user 15.6 s, sys: 12.9 s, total: 28.5 s
Wall time: 2.71 s